My GastaLoops will be part, from 3rd to 9th October 2016, of the International GIF Festival “Y a des GIFs qui se perdent!” will take place in Saint-Etienne (France)!

theGIFER festival is an art gif festival held in Turin from the 2nd to the 6th of November.
I submitted my gif Procrastination and has been accepted.
If you like it, go and like the gif on their facebook page!

My Gastaloops are now part of a great video for an indie band called IISO!
We have been interviewed on Wired Italia.

Si intitola “Skip September” l’ambizioso, raffinato EP d’esordio del duo musicale art/visual IISO. Pubblicati dall’etichetta La valigetta, l’album sintetizza l’estetica degli IISO, due musicisti electro/art che si muovono contemporaneamente sulle coordinate del suono e dell’immagine (attraverso l’artificio, dal vivo, di un cubo che contiene i musicisti e che proietta immagini geometriche realizzate da Studio Antimateria).

Pubblichiamo oggi in anteprima esclusiva il music video del singolo Out | Gastaloops edit.

Nicola Gastaldi, regista e animatore del video, spiega a Wired: “Ho sempre guardato ai progetti giornalieri con una punta di invidia. Mi sono sempre detto che non ce l’avrei mai fatta, troppo impegnato con il mio lavoro di giorno, con la mia famiglia di sera. Però ci ho provato. E ce l’ho fatta. Ogni giorno, per 100 giorni consecutivi, ho realizzato una gif animata secondo tre rigide regole: 2 secondi di lunghezza, con tre colori piatti, che fosse un loop perfetto. Alcuni GastaLoop (questo il nome della modalità di creazione di GIF sintetizzato da Gastaldi qui sopra) sono meglio di altri, alcuni sono tecnicamente semplici, altri forse banali. Ma, cionondimeno, con i Gastaloop ho risvegliato la mia creatività e ho costruito uno stile, lottando contro il tempo. Essendo ogni GastaLoop lungo 50 frame, Out di IISO, essendo a 120bpm, è diventata una perfetta colonna sonora, senza bisogno di modifiche. Quando guardo il video che ne è risultato ricordo chiaramente ognuno dei 100 giorni, il dove e il quando ho realizzato ogni singola scena”.

My personal video Summer Comes, Summer goes has been officially included in the Maxon Cinema 4D General Reel 2016!

A nice interview on Gif Magazine about my GastaLoops!



 GastaLoops は要約すると、モーグラフ、あとモーションキャプチャーのデータを使える。私は少しシュールなのが好きだね。

 I don’t have a set of rules. New ideas are usually coming during my daily 1 hour long walk to work. London is beautiful and can be truly inspiring.
The GastaLoops can be abstract, mograph or they can use motion capture files. My favourite are the ones a bit surreal.


 I’m currently creating an animated looping gif everyday. The project is called GastaLoop.
 I love setting some limits, it helps being creative. For this project these are: 3 colours (ivory, coral, black), 50 frames, 800x600px.
 Mainly I use Cinema4d. But a lot of the loops are done in After Effects or Photoshop. I’m trying to make some in Houdini.
 But a tool is just a tool. The big challenge is to create something interesting and decent everyday, keeping up with my job and my family.



 I wanted to test myself in a daily project.
Everyone has a busy life, but we all actually choose what to do.
So, I don’t binge watch tv series anymore. I try to play not too much with my PS4. Even if it’s just 30 minutes, I’ll try to do something.
Making is always great.



 I believe in sharing. And in the power of internet.
Look, I’m now writing to you, from my computer in London, to a place I’ve never seen, to someone probably I’m never going to meet. Isn’t it great?
 GIFs have this amazing power: they can travel. They are easily saved on hard drives and mobile phones and shared on so many social networks that I probably even never know.
I, as author, choose to remove my name from my GIFs, free them in the world. Someone will know that it’s me and I find a poetry in this.
 I try to create small stories in my loops. Sometimes I put my thoughts. And, anyway, everyday, it’s my time, a craft work.

Today one of my GastaLoops became an advert for Smoke & Mirrors on Pitch magazine!

I’m so happy to have been featured on the Timeout section of Dribbble!
Check the full interview!

I held a talk at the London Motion Meet Up. I explained how projection mappings work, how you can do one with just a laptop and how you can fix the distortions without any dedicated programs.