Al Fujairah Mono Drama Festival Opening

The Fujairah Mono Drama Festival is an international event that celebrates the theater . In its tenth anniversary, the Festival hosts over 200 celebrities from all over the world. The opening show proposed a dance show and video-mapping lasting 40 minutes.
With a focus on content, a compelling internal logic and a continuous search for high showmanship and emotional impact, typical of the Middle East narrative style , we told the story of the region and represented FMDF contribution to the recognition of the Fujairah in the world.


  • Production: Mou Factory
  • Digital artists: Francesco Artistico, Originalasker, Nicola Gastaldi, Lorenzo Franzini, Agata Soccini, Claudio Monnini, Filippo Bernardoni
  • Direction: Eyad Al Khzouz
  • Music: Walid Al Hashim
  • Dance company: Ornina Group
  • Special thanks to Emad Bdaiwi & Giuliana Pajola